BrightGauge Report Examples and Templates

This page provides sample BrightGauge™ reports, along with templates you can use to build your own reports.


Report Description Example Template
Agreement Performance Report A high-level view of how fixed-fee Agreements are performing. Track your revenue, cost, and margins. Agreement Performance Report Example Agreement Performance Report Template
Client End of Month Report A monthly recap of the metrics that matter most to your clients: ticket stats, asset management, and computer health. Client End of Month Report Example Client End of Month Report Template
Client Heartbeat Report The Client Heartbeat report provides a review of team performance and client feedback. Use this report to drive discussions based on survey responses, response speed and efficiency, and the level of communication provided to your clients. Client Heartbeat Report Example Client Heartbeat Report Template
Engineer Audit Monthly Report Send this report to your technicians each month to review their billable percentage, scorecard, time tracking, CSAT, and more over the last six months. Engineer Audit Monthly Report Example Engineer Audit Monthly Report Template
Goals and EOS Tracking Weekly Report A weekly check-in on where the team stands with their goals, what is being done to meet their core values, tasks currently in the works, open projects, overdue tickets and tasks, and known issues to address. Goals and EOS Tracking Weekly Report Example Goals and EOS Tracking Weekly Template
Internal Weekly Service Report Use this report to keep your team up to date. Internal Weekly Service Report Example Internal Weekly Service Report Template
Onboarding Audit Report This report was designed to be run at the end of the onboarding period to ensure all critical checkpoints are met. It features metrics on all machines, antivirus protection status, and warranty details. It also details how you might use custom configurations for things like obtaining after hour access details and understanding clients' software criticality. Onboarding Audit Report Example Onboarding Audit Report Template
Profitability Analysis Report This report helps MSPs identify trends in profitability, focusing on agreement health, effective hourly rate, time spent on tickets, tickets opened by hour of the day, and margin on agreement and agreement additions. View this report monthly or quarterly. Use filtering in BrightGauge to narrow down by client or agreement type for a more granular look at profitability where needed. Profitability Analysis Report Example Profitability Analysis Report Template
Quarterly Business Review This comprehensive client report showcases all of the behind-the-scenes work and value of your services. Quarterly Business Review Example Quarterly Business Review Template
Service Desk 30-Day Summary Report This report is designed to provide valuable context for recurring client meetings. It includes essential metrics such as ticket volume, trends, response and resolution times, and customer satisfaction ratings and is sent out on a monthly basis. Service Desk 30-Day Summary Report Example Service Desk 30-Day Summary Report Template
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