New York Real Estate Purchase Agreement

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A New York residential real estate purchase agreement (“Contract for Sale and Purchase of Real Estate”) is a contract which commits a buyer to an offer to purchase real estate, according to specific terms agreed by the buyer and seller. Negotiated specifics include the purchase price, financing method, closing date, and more.

Do Sellers in New York Have To Disclose Property Defects?

New York does require real estate sellers to disclose any material defects with a property. [1] In most cases, this is through a standardized disclosure form provided under the Division of Licensing Services by statute, but any disclosure which provides the required information is valid. The seller always has a duty to disclose all material defects covered by the statutory requirement, even when the buyer agrees to take the property “as-is.”

Exceptions to the Disclosure Rules in New York

New York also exempts the following common transfers, among others, from the standard disclosure form requirement: [3]

Required Seller Disclosures in New York

New York sellers of residential real estate must make the following disclosures, as appropriate, in order for a real estate purchase agreement to be considered legally binding:


Except as is provided in section four hundred sixty-three of this article, every seller of residential real property pursuant to a real estate purchase contract shall complete and sign a property condition disclosure statement as prescribed by subdivision two of this section and cause it, or a copy thereof, to be delivered to a buyer or buyer’s agent prior to the signing by the buyer of a binding contract of sale. A copy of the property condition disclosure statement containing the signatures of both seller and buyer shall be attached to the real estate purchase contract. Nothing contained in this article or this disclosure statement is intended to prevent the parties to a contract of sale from entering into agreements of any kind or nature with respect to the physical condition of the property to be sold, including, but not limited to, agreements for the sale of real property “as is”.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is not a material defect or fact relating to property offered for sale or lease, including residential property regardless of the number of units contained therein, that:

(a) an owner or occupant of the property is, or was at any time suspected to be, infected with human immunodeficiency virus or diagnosed with acquired immune deficiency syndrome or any other disease which has been determined by medical evidence to be highly unlikely to be transmitted through occupancy of a dwelling place; or

(b) the property is, or is suspected to have been, the site of a homicide, suicide or other death by accidental or natural causes, or any crime punishable as a felony.

A property condition disclosure statement shall not be required in connection with any of the following transfers of residential real property:

1. A transfer pursuant to a court order, including, but not limited to, a transfer order by a probate court during the administration of a decedent’s estate, a transfer pursuant to a writ of execution, a transfer by a trustee in bankruptcy or debtor-in-possession, a transfer as a result of the exercise of the power of eminent domain, and a transfer that results from a decree for specific performance of a contract or other agreement between two or more persons;

2. A transfer to mortgagee or an affiliate or agent thereof by a mortgagor by deed in lieu of foreclosure or in satisfaction of the mortgage debt;

3. A transfer to a beneficiary of a deed of trust;

4. A transfer pursuant to a foreclosure sale that follows a default in the satisfaction of an obligation that is secured by a mortgage;

5. A transfer by a sale under a power of sale that follows a default in the satisfaction of an obligation that is secured by a mortgage;

6. A transfer by a mortgagee, or a beneficiary under a mortgage, or an affiliate or agent thereof, who has acquired the residential real property at a sale under a mortgage or who has acquired the residential real property by a deed in lieu of foreclosure;

7. A transfer by a fiduciary in the course of the administration of a descendent’s estate, a guardianship, a conservatorship, or a trust;

8. A transfer from one co-owner to one or more other co-owners;

9. A transfer made to the transferor’s spouse or to one or more persons in the lineal consanguinity of one or more of the transferors;

10. A transfer between spouses or former spouses as a result of a decree of divorce, dissolution of marriage, annulment, or legal separation or as a result of property settlement, agreement incidental to a decree of divorce, dissolution of marriage, annulment or legal separation;

11. A transfer to or from the state, a political subdivision of the state, or another governmental entity;

12. A transfer that involves newly constructed residential real property that previously had not been inhabited;

13. A transfer by a sheriff; or

14. A transfer pursuant to a partition action.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Write a Real Estate Contract in New York? To write a real estate contract in New York, you will need to identify and document the terms and conditions of the sale. The contract should also include the names of each party and the legal property address. You can download a customizable template or write your own. Read more » How Can You Get Out of a Real Estate Contract in New York? You can get out of a real estate contract in New York during several stages of the buying process. First, the offer must be accepted to make it binding. If the seller rejects the offer, the buyer can make a counter-offer or leave the deal. Read more » What Is the Effective Date of a Real Estate Contract in New York? In New York, the effective date of a real estate contract is the date the buyer and seller agree to the terms of the contract and have it executed. All contract obligations are binding and enforceable on the effective date. Read more » Can a Seller Cancel a Real Estate Contract in New York? In New York, a seller can get out of a real estate contract if the buyer’s contingencies are not met—these include financial, appraisal, inspection, insurance, or home sale contingencies agreed to in the contract. Sellers might have additional exit opportunities with unique situations also such as an estate sale. Read more » How Do I Fill Out a Real Estate Contract in New York? To fill out a real estate contract in New York, first, download our customizable New York real estate contract template. Filling out the template is fairly straightforward, complete the information for each party, including the names, party type, and address along with the terms and conditions of the deal. Read more »