Certain individuals are required to pay estimated tax.
You must pay state taxes as you earn or receive income during the year. If you are self-employed or you receive other income that’s not subject to withholding (e.g., interest, dividends, alimony, capital gains, and prizes), then you most likely need to make estimated tax payments.
The amount of estimated tax you need to pay depends on the amount of income you reasonably think you’ll earn during the year. If you’re not sure what amount to pay, the Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR) provides a schedule for computing your estimated tax as well as a tax rate schedule in its Tax Booklet .
You have two options for paying your estimated tax. You can pay it all at once when you make your first required installment, or you can pay it in quarterly installments during the year. If you pay in installments, each one is due on or before April 15, June 15, September 15, and the following January 15.
If you’ve paid all your estimated tax at once, you will not need to make any additional payments for the tax year. If you’ve chosen to pay in quarterly installments, be sure to continue to make payments when they are due (on or before April 15, June 15, September 15, and the following January 15).