What To Put On Rental Application If Living With Parents

What To Put On Rental Application If Living With Parents

So you’re finally ready to move out of your parents’ place and get your own apartment? Exciting! But before you start packing your boxes, you need to actually find a place and get approved – which means filling out the dreaded rental application.

What do landlords even want to know? Will they deny you since you don’t have an official “rental history”?

Not to worry, friend. I’ve rented plenty of apartments in my day, both with and without parental roommates. Let me walk you through what to put on a rental application if you’re living with parents. I promise it’s not as scary as it seems!

Why Your Rental History Matters

First things first – why do landlords care about your history as a tenant? Can’t they just take your word that you’re dependable?

Unfortunately, no. With rental applications, landlords are basically conducting a background check to confirm:

  1. You are who you say you are
  2. You have the ability and willingness to pay rent on time
  3. You will take decent care of the property

Past rental history gives them tangible proof of these things. If all your previous landlords report that you paid on time and kept things clean and tidy, any new landlord can feel confident renting to you.

So if you have rented before, definitely provide that information! Even if you have a couple late payments, you can explain the circumstances.

But what if you’ve always lived with your parents? Not to worry! You can still provide plenty of info to show you’re a responsible tenant.

Key Information Landlords Want From Applicants

Alright, time to walk through the typical sections on a rental application and talk about what you should put for each one if living with parents. Grab your pen and paper to jot down notes!

Contact Information

This part is easy. Write down:

Many landlords will ask for your parents’ details because they want to make sure you have their blessing to put them down. Some may even ask your parents to formally guarantee your lease.

So before listing your ‘rents, give them a heads up that they may get a call from potential landlords checking that everything is cool. The last thing you want is your mom calling the landlord back saying “Who? Little Judy wants to do what now?” Awkward!

Employment and Income

Next up – your job status and salary. Landlords want to confirm you have steady income to pay the rent.

If you’re currently employed, write down:

Unemployed or a student? No worries! Just explain your situation, tuition costs, financial aid, allowance from your parents, etc. The key is showing you have dependable funds to cover apartment costs.

You can even have your parents guarantee the lease. More on co-signers later!

Financial Information

Speaking of funds, landlords will want to see proof you manage money responsibly.

Provide documents like:

The more evidence you supply about pay history and financial maturity, the better. Redact personal stuff if needed – no landlord wants your social security number.

Rental History

Ah yes, the infamous rental history section. Take a deep breath…and leave it blank!

If you’ve never rented an apartment before, landlords won’t expect pages about past leases. Maybe write something like:

“Have always lived with parents – excited for a place of my own!”

Short, simple, and to the point. No need to stress about this section if you’re rental-history free.


Every application asks for personal references – people who can vouch for your character.

Since you likely don’t have landlord references, ask:

Whomever you choose, confirm they’re willing to take a call gushing about your virtues as a tenant. Nothing worse than a confused reference who has no idea they agreed to this!

And yes – your parents make excellent references too. Just don’t go too overboard in the gushing parent department.

Reasons For Moving

Some applications request background on why you’re suddenly fleeing the comfy nest. This is your chance to share your heartfelt journey of self-discovery!

Or, you know, just say you graduated college and it’s time to be a real adult. Up to you. The key is showing why you need your own space. Landlords want long-term commitment – not someone who will ditch after 3 months because laundry is hard.

Be honest about your reasons for this big life change. It builds trust and understanding with the person considering renting to you.

Should I Include My Parents’ Information on a Rental Application if I’m Living with Them?

When filling out a rental application and living with your parents, it’s typically best to include their information if they are the property owners or your landlords. This shows transparency and accountability. Make sure to follow the rental business customer instructions and provide accurate details to avoid any complications.

Tips for Getting Your Rental Application Approved

You’ve poured your blood, sweat, and tears into this rental application. Your references are standing by. What next?

Here are my best tips for getting approved to rent an apartment, even when straight outta parents’ house:

Provide Accurate Information

I cannot stress this enough – do NOT ever lie on a rental application! It will come back to haunt you if discovered.

Landlords may check information or references who don’t back up your claims. Best case, you don’t get the apartment. Worst case? You get sued or prosecuted for fraud.

Honesty is always, always, always the best policy.

Have a Guarantor or Co-Signer

If landlords remain hesitant about renting to a newbie solo flyer, consider adding your parents (or other family/friends) as lease guarantors.

This means legally, if you stop paying rent, the guarantor owes what you cannot provide. Obviously this is a big favor to ask. But it shows financial responsibility to hesitant landlords.

Many college students use guarantor services specifically for young applicants. So don’t sweat this option if you need it!

Show Off Financial Maturity

Beyond having a co-signer, showcase money smarts however you can. For example:

The more financially trustworthy you appear, the likelier landlords will take a chance on you! Even with no renting history.

Follow Pet Policies

I know, I know. Mr. Whiskers is your everything and this apartment simply must allow him.

But before torpedoing applications over pets, verify the property even allows them. Review size, breed, and documentation rules.

Nothing raises red flags faster than demanding pet exceptions right off the bat. Be reasonable to avoid outright rejection over something preventable.

Hey – look at it as motivation for you and Mr. Whiskers to be model tenants!

You’ve Got This!

Whew, okay. That was a boatload of information all about rental applications if living with parents!

Let’s do a quick recap:

It may feel intimidating at first. But trust me – you are so ready for this next chapter. And with some preparation, landlords will be banging down your parents’ door to rent to someone as responsible as you!

So take a deep breath, grab that application, and start filling it out my friend. Your future dream apartment awaits!