What should be the format of a letter to the President of India?

If I send a letter to the President of India, what should be the format? I would also like to know whether letters sent to the President of India do reach him & how to ensure it reaches the President himself?


5 Answers found. 23 Apr 2016 22:40

Since the letter is addressed to the President of India, it should obviously be formal and ideally free of aggressive language. The text should not be an illegible scrawl if hand-written and be neatly spaced with requisite paragraphs and sentence formations. Avoid writing something rambling too and as far as possible stick to 1 page.

A sample format could be:
[Date on the right side]
To: Hon. Shri Pranab Mukherjee
President of India
Rashtrapati Bhavan
New Delhi - 110 004

Respected Sir,
Sub: ______________

As for the second part of your query, it is doubtful if the President is going to read each and every letter sent to him. His letters from the general public are likely to be screened by the Secretariat officers and only relevant ones passed on to him for perusal. You could put your own address below the date and on the envelope too, but don't expect a reply back. At the most you may get a reply back from one of the Secretariat officers, regretting the inability of the President to reply personally.

When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

24 Apr 2016 00:09

The President's Secretariat has a well evolved website where all relevant information is made available including contact details and mandatory disclosures under RTI Act, 2005. Petitions on wide ranging subjects from general public are handled by the President's Secretariat. However as far as I understand, first of all the subject matter should be brought to the attention of the concerned department or organization of the Government of India and only after exhausting all available channels, any petition should be submitted to the President of India.
Regarding format of the letter, I think there is no prescribed format for the same. However the letters should be addressed to the President of India appropriately with due respect and using a very polite language befitting to the high office of the President of india.

Let us encourage each other in sharing knowledge. 24 Apr 2016 20:49

There is no specific format, if you are writing a personal letter to him. But address should be correct and yes they do reply to every letter whatever comes in the office.

25 Apr 2016 06:08

Being a ordinary citizen of India, every one has the right to write to the President of India and for that there cannot be fixed formats or rules to be followed. But due care must be taken that you are addressing the letter to the First Citizen of India. No matter the President personally receive and see your letter, the wordings must be with respect and regard and the content must be crisp and clear. Please note that if the letter involves some detailed information to be sought by the President, the writer must suggest some departments or Organizations name , so that it would be easy for the Presidential staff to attend the complaint immediately. So go ahead and write the letter to President and get suitable and amicable response from him. Please state whether you got response from the President office.

K Mohan
'Idhuvum Kadandhu Pogum "
Even this challenging situation would ease
01 May 2016 21:43

First of all, what is the need to write a letter to the President of our nation? Any complaint or grievance from the citizens of India should be dealt with the department concerned. Yes. if everything fails, and if your request is a serious one and needs the personal attention of the President of India, and if the President's secretariat considers your letter as genuine and needs the intervention of President, your letter is likely to be placed before the president with remarks from the secretariat. Generally, everything is dealt by the President's secretariat itself. If you send a letter of appreciation or good wishes, it will be replied by the secretariat on behalf of the President with a stamped signature of the President.

Sample format: One(For formal letters)
. New Delhi -11
. 01 May 2016

The Honorable President of India
Rashtrapathi Bhavan
New Delhi - 110004

(Give your complete address)
Sub: __________________________
Respected Sir, (
. (Text).

Yours faithfully
Sample format: Two (for private letters only)

. New Delhi -11
. 01 May 2016
Hon. Shri. K. Pranabh Mukherjee
President of India
Rashtrapathi Bhavan
New Delhi -110 0004

Respected Sir,
. (Text).

Yours Sincerely
Give your address at the bottom(left side)